This the final design of the updated product page launched in collaboration with the Codecademy Sales team and Skillsoft marketing team.
This is the final design we landed on, incorporating landing page learnings from previous tests and simplifying the form fields for contacts whom we had company data on.
This is the final case study developed after two rounds of interviews.
This is one of several sets of LinkedIn ads launched to test different messaging to a single audience segment.
One of several emails created for the program, this email was designed to nudge customers with few remaining credits left and/or high recent download activity to purchase additional credits or upgrade their plan level.
This slide communicates the solution's newly defined value proposition.
These slides demonstrate platform benefits and differentiators.
This is the final solution sheet designed for marketing and sales team to leverage.
The lead product designer and I separately sketched a number of new designs that we then reviewed together for commonalities and differences. It was during this session that I proposed a different design for enrolled and unenrolled learners, which would later be included in this round of redesign.
I developed several different variations of the course metadata design, with two options based on breakpoints, taking into consideration available space and readability.
This mockup of the redesigned course page features the final metadata design we agreed on for its simplicity and efficiency.